Anatomy and its subtopics are an important component of Modern Neet Pg Exams as the NEET Pg exams have undergone a lot of Change.
Clinically oriented and Image Based questions are an important component. NEET Examinations is Broad Based.
- Anatomy is a vast subject.
- Anatomy is tough
- Anatomy is difficult to retain
- Anatomy has many subtopics.
- Lots of Questions are asked from Anatomy.
- Questions from Anatomy are also asked from Surgery, Orthopaedics, ENT, and Obstetrics.
Histology, Embryology, Regional Anatomy, Thorax, Abdomen, Limbs, Neuroanatomy, Surface Anatomy are all aspects to be covered.
Recent Changes have propelled students to read in a more integrated manner.
- What we expect in Examinations is unpredictable.
- Too many Possibilities are there
From Our Perspective One should not miss the following 50 Topics.
- Air sinuses
- Ape Hand Deformity
- Carpal Tunnel syndrome
- Cavernous sinus: Relations
- Claw hand deformity
- Facial artery
- Foramina of skull Contents
- Coronary Sinus: anatomy
- Cranial Nerve : VII, IX , X
- Derivatives of Germ Layers
- Development of CNS
- Development of Intramembranous Septum of Heart
- Disposition of Epithelium
- Dupynterns Contracture
- Falciform ligament
- Femoral Hernia
- Femoral vein: in femoral canal
- Flexor digitorum longus tendon
- Iliohypogastric nerve
- Ilioinguinal nerve
- Inferior vena Cava development
- Internal jugular vein : tributaries
- Lateral Cricoarytenoid
- Ligament of Treitz
- Ligamentum venosum
- Liver Couinads segments
- Pancreas: histology
- Pharyngeal Apparatus
- Popliteal artery in popliteal fossa
- Portal triad: contents
- Plantar arch
- Recurrent laryngeal nerve
- Right Atrium: development
- Testicular Vein drainage
- The blood supply of duodenum
- Sciatic nerve
- Umbilicus
- Image Based question on Cavernous Sinus
- Image Based question on Bronchopulmonary segments
- Image Based question on Internal and External carotid artery
- Image Based question on Histology
- Image Based question on Placenta
- Image Based question on Heart and its blood supply
- Hemorrhoids
- Uterine Prolapse
- Clinical and surgical Anatomy of Gall Bladder
- Clinical and surgical Anatomy of Urinary Bladder
- Clinical and surgical Anatomy of Rectum
- Clinical and surgical Anatomy of Adrenals
- Clinical and surgical Anatomy of Rectus sheath
Take references from Grays, Read from BD Chaurasia and Lasts Anatomy and take help of Netters Atlas, Di Fore’s Histology as well .
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