Neurology is a favorite of many MD Aspirants. This branch is to their liking. As the New concept of Dm Examinations has come up with changes in pattern of Examinations. The NEET DM examinations now are CBT Based as per NMC Rules. Changes in pattern of Examinations are there. NEET SS Exams have become more competitive and clinical oriented.
Most DM Neurology Students think that they would be asked only Clinical Cases in Neurology pertaining to Diseases. DM Examinations are updated and more focus recently has been on basic Physiological and Neurophysiology of Topics covered. Lots of questions are asked on Principles governing Neurophysiology, Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology.
Our DM Aspirants, DM Experts and Students appearing in Examinations have noticed a large chunk of Questions based on these topics in addition to disease patterns. Neurophysiology is an area which the DM aspirants do not take seriously and a big chunk of questions are asked from Physiology.
Some Areas to be focused for DM Neurology Students are
- Surgical Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain demonstrating the sulci and gyri of the superolateral surface along with the most important Broadmanns areas and Physiological aspects , and the structures at the inferior aspect of the brain including the interpeduncular fossa and the superficial attachment of the cranial nerves
- Cerebral hemisphere demonstrating the sulci and gyri of the supero lateral, medial and inferior surfaces
- The Circulation of CSF , The Absorption of CSF , The third and fourth ventricles, cerebral aqueduct and central canal, and other midline structures
- Arterial supply to the parts of the brain.
- The Physiology of Arterial Supply of Brain and Spinal Cord
- The CSF Pressures, The Blood Flow, the CNS Auto regulation
- Knowledge of corona radiata, internal capsule, thalamus and basal ganglia
- The ventricular system with intact choroid plexus of the 4th ventricle
- Horizontal section of the brain passing through the genu & splenium of corpus callosum
- Brain stem for external features and cerebellar peduncles
- The Limbic System , The Hypothalamus and the Neuronal Circuits involving Brain Functioning
- Areas of Nervous System controlling Hunger, Satiety, Temperature, Behavior, Olfaction, vision.
- Cerebellum dissected from the superior aspect to show the dentate nucleus connected to the superior cerebellar peduncle
- Spinal cord demonstrating coverings, regional enlargements, spinal nerve attachment
- The Developmental defects of Brain and Spinal cord
Image Based Questions defining Neurophysiology and Neuroanatomical Structures from Neurology
Examples of Recently Asked Topics
- Effect and side effect of drugs used in neurology like Desipramine
- Haloperidol (Basic Mechanism of Action / side effects )
- Donepezil (Basic Mechanism of Action / side effects )
- Effect and side effect of drugs used in neurology like Sertraline
- Effect and side effect of drugs used in neurology like Melatonin
- Fluoxetine (Uses)
- Bupropion
- Effect and side effect of drugs used in neurology like Imipramine
- Receptor down regulation (Physiology/ Pathophysiology )
- Receptor recycling (Physiology/ Pathophysiology )
- Enzyme re-synthesis (Physiology/ Pathophysiology )
- Phenytoin (Basic Mechanism of Action / side effects )
- Gabapentin (Basic Mechanism of Action / side effects )
- Topiramate (Basic Mechanism of Action / side effects )
- Lamotrigine (Basic Mechanism of Action / side effects )
- Primidone
- Delta receptors (Drugs acting on these )
- Kappa receptors(Drugs acting on these )
- Mu receptors (Drugs acting on these )
- NMDA receptors (Drugs acting on these )
- GABA receptors (Drugs acting on these )
- Acute dystonia
- Drug-induced Parkinsonism (Reasons )
- Akathisia(Reasons )
- Tardive dyskinesia(Reasons )
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome(Reasons )
DM Neurology is not Only about Topics like
- Parkinsonism
- Normal pressure hydrocephalus
- Multi-infarct dementia
- Picks disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Pseudotumor cerebri
Example of Questions asked
A DM student might have studied all Topics.
Has he studied the Gait Disorders? One should know different types of Gaits
- Wide based gait
- Vestibular ataxia
- Sensory ataxia
- Spastic gait
- Waddling gait
- Hypokinetic gait
- Cerebellar ataxia
Only a student with Good concept can be able to know the differences in the Gait. Whether it is a question from AIIMS, PGI or NEET DM would hardly matter to a good student. Our Team Focuses on providing the Best, Latest, Updated and Precise Content for Preparing All subjects including Neurology. For more details visit our site